Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Note on Atrocities

There are appalling scenes everywhere in Libya. That is what war does. More than 22,000 have been killed in fighting across the country, not counting those killed by NATO. Each allegation of abuse needs to be fully investigated, with the perpetrators brought before a fair system of justice.

What we don't need, but the Western press seems intent on providing, is a one-sided feel-good nonsense that beds the truth. It seems obvious that the news media has learned nothing from the lies before Iraq and obfuscation of reality in Afghanistan.

The press has been almost completely silent about the blatant human rights abuses committed by NATO and the rebel forces, as well as the blatant disregard of the UN Resolution (1973) that supposedly authorized this mission. This truly amazing piece titled Gaddafi's Forces Killed Survivors (that landed on my Yahoo front page) is case in point of the former blindness. After detailing a long list of unproven allegations against pro-Gaddafi troops, they say:
So far, there have been no specific allegations of atrocities carried out by rebel fighters, though human rights groups are continuing to investigate some unsolved cases.

The reporter does not even have the spine to admit that ALLEGATIONS against rebel fighters exist. Never mind that all they would have to do is look in either of the recent Human Rights Watch or Amnesty Intl. reports they supposedly get their information from. AI reports widespread mistreatment of black migrant workers by rebel forces - many report having been beaten, tortured, shot and/or told they are going to be killed. HRW also documented a pattern of vengeance killings, arsons, looting, beatings. etc. on hold Gaddafi loyalist civilians in the Nafusa mountains (ie. those who invaded Tripoli) - often just because of their tribe or race.

We read about the supposed "missing 50,000" opposition members arrested in the month prior to the war - even through no one has any proof of such a figure. And we hear next to nothing about the thousands of pro-Gaddafi civilians rounded up and being "cleansed" from their positions. Hospital Administrators, Oil Refinary heads, members of neighborhood committees, etc are all appearing on lists being passed out vigilante style.

Of course all of this contradicts the NTC is saying about there not being any retribution and that pro-Gaddafi people without blood on their hands will not be pursued. Just another example of the folks in the East saying one thing and actions on the ground saying another.

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