Sunday, October 2, 2011

Libya: NATO Bombed Oxygen factory in Sirte - Civiians Suffer

After a visit by the Red Cross to Sirte, the dire situation for civilians in that besieged city is finally being reported. As Reuters says: in a rare brutally honest headline "Shortages "killing patients" in Libya siege hospital."

Well, beyond NATO and the rebels cutting off fuel, food, water and electricity, the main hospital in the City lacks Oxygen, which is an essential part of almost any major surgery. Why is the City lacking Oxygen when it had a functioning Oxygen manufacturing plant within the city limits?

Upon reading the report, I remembered that I thought I'd heard something about NATO bombing an Oxygen plant a few months ago. A bit of searching and indeed, here is the video evidence showing the destruction of what is very clearly an Oxygen plant. Check it out:

Skip past the first minute and a half to get to the report (in English)

What possible military justification can there be for bombing an Oxygen factory? Has anyone care to ask NATO about this or any of the other bombing of civilian infrastructure?

"It's a catastrophe. Patients are dying every day for need of oxygen," said Mohammed Shnaq, a biochemist at the hospital who fled early on Sunday during a lull in the shooting.

So we have a situation where the rebels are shelling and attacking residential districts indiscriminately sending hundreds to the hospitals, where NATO is again being brought in to act as the rebel's air force. The result is clearly an increase the suffering of the everyday people of Sirte. What happened to protecting civilians? The people of Sirte and Bani Walid (and other places) must wonder how an attack on their neighborhood with heavy weapons is actually protecting them. Have NATO's lawyers explain.

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